The Shark's Tank

Thursday, March 23, 2006

One Step Closer

Many moons have passed and still no sign of a significant amount of detailed information has appeared...but I am one step closer to keeping my word.

Remember that Micromechanics class that just won't go away? Well, the homework was turned in today. Was it complete and correct? Not exactly. I did the best I could, though. Despite the fact that I have yet another homework due in a week, I feel better having the first two assignments off my back. I also made an effort today to find out some very important information concerning a math test. It has been rumored that I have to retake an oral math test from last semester due to a less-than-average grade. Let me tell you, I didn't want it to be true! It's bad enough taking numerical methods once, let alone repeating any part of it, no matter how small. Thankfully the rumor is false. Yes! I passed the class. I got the lowest possible passing grade. Think I'm cutting it close? I call that efficiency. Maximum benefit from the least amount of effort. That's not really how I feel. It's just the result of doing math in French for the first time with three different teachers in a different education system. Work hard in school, kids. You'll need that differential calculus later in life.

So, as you can see I am feeling a good bit better not having to worry about such things as tests and homeworks. It is already quite late here, so I'll ramble on only a little bit more. The other night I took the trash out after dark. The moon was high and the clouds looked as if a giant tiger had clawed right through them. I wanted to take a picture. I probably spent half an hour taking pictures of the night sky. When I looked at the pictures back in my room I was surprised. They didn't come out as I expected. See for yourself. (just as soon as I can get the picture posted!)


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